The Winter Alliances are played monthly from November to March each year. For each competition, participating clubs nominate one partnership (maximum combined handicap limit of 60). Format is 18 holes of Greensomes or Foursomes Stableford.
The information and Application Forms for the series commencing in November each year will be sent to the Lady Captain at each club affiliated to WLCGA.
Fixtures are listed in Forthcoming Competitions on the Home Page. Details of each competition and start sheets (when available) may be seen by clicking on the appropriate competition. Results may be seen by clicking on Competition Results on the Home page.
Click on photograph for competition report
WINNERS: February 2015 at Stonebridge GC Sue BLAKE & Georgina KENNETT Maxstoke Park GC | WINNERS: March 2015 at Robin Hood GC Margaret RILEY & Mave MENDUS Walmley GC |