
Warwickshire Golf

Buckinghamshire Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

22Alice Kozlowski (Ellesborough)
15Shamiso Hatchard (Woburn Golf Club)
14Thalia Kirby (Harleyford)
12Charlotte West (Harewood Downs Golf Club)
11Megan Dennis (Woburn)
11Chloe Li (Woburn Golf Club)
10Hannah Cash (Buckinghamshire Golf Club)
9Ella Butteriss (Beaconsfield)
8Luan Skeates (Buckinghamshire Golf Club)
7Grace Rigby-Walden (Gerrards Cross Golf Club)
6Lily Robinson (Buckingham Golf Club)
3Clara Leathers (Ellesborough Golf Club)
2Lucy Matthews (Ellesborough Golf Club)
2Elizabeth Sweetnam (Woburn Golf Club)
2Georgia Lloyd (Buckingham Golf Club)

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