
Warwickshire Golf

Warwickshire Ladies 1st Team
Sunday 26th May 2019
Lynn Gray & Katie Symonds Won 4 & 3 Rachel Rusted 
Kilworth Springs Golf Club
& Abigail Mortimer-Lane 
Madeleine Winnett & Annette Deeley Won 1 Hole Julia Burton 
Moor Hall
& Emma Morton 
Foursomes Total 1 1
Bronwyn Davies Won 3 & 1 Lisa Cullinan 
Georgia Pritchard Won 6 & 5 Charlotte Priddle 
Moor Hall Golf Club
Sam Bayliss Won 5 & 3 Elizabeth Haycock 
Fulford Heath
Singles Total 2 1
Sunday Total 3 2

The above matches were played at Trentham Park Golf Club in the afternoon on 26th May 2019.  See other fixture for the details of the matches played in the morning.

Sadly the weather was not kind to us for this match with heavy rain most of the morning and then a very blustery wind all afternoon.  The course was in good condition although our players certainly found the greens very slow perhaps not helped by the weather.

The first match got off to a good start ending in a draw with the foursomes of Julia and Rachel ending sadly with a loss on 18 which just turned it against what would have been a good win. In the afternoon all was to play for and with a very injured Charlotte struggling with her back and another loss on the 18th by Julia with second partner Emma the result went against us 3-2.  A big well done to Abi Mortimer-Lane for winning both matches for the 2nd week running.

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