
Warwickshire Golf

2019 Warwickshire Golf Awards Feedback

Please complete the form below to give feedback on the Warwickshire Golf Awards that took place on 29th November.

For brief report and some photos on the evening please CLICK HERE

No - the date clashed
No - tickets were too expensive
No - our Club didn't wish to attend
No - other
Club Group
County Official
County Player
Final 3 Candidate
Yes - Very much so
Yes - it was suitable
Not sure
No - it was not really suitable
No - it wasn't at all suitable

Yes - Very much so
Yes - it was suitable
Not sure
No - it was not suitable
No - it was not suitable at all

Yes - it was about right
Yes - it was ok
Not sure
No - it wasn't quite right
No - it wasn't right at all
Yes - it was very acceptable
Yes - it was acceptable
Not sure
No - it wasn't acceptable
No - it wasn't acceptable at all
Yes - it was very good
Yes - it was good
Not sure
No - it wasn't very good
No - it wasn't good at all
Yes - Very much so
Yes - I thought it was ok
Not sure
No - I didn't like it
No - I didn't like it at all

Yes - Very much so
Yes - I would like that
Not sure
No - I wouldn't like that
No - I wouldn't like that at all
Very likely
Not sure
Very unlikely
Very likely
Probably not
Definitely not
More tickets than this year
Same number of tickets
Less tickets than this year


Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.