Competition for teams of FOUR Bronze Division players selected by clubs affiliated to WLCGA. Players must hold a WHS Handicap Index.
Format: Aggregate of 18 holes Stableford by three of the team members (lowest score to be discarded) for best team score trophy and a prize for best individual score. Handicap Allowance: 95%.
Handicap Index Limit: 20.5 tp 45.0 on date of entry. Handicap Allowance 95%
Terms of Competition
Entry Fee: £100.00 per team
Closing Date: 14th May 2025
PLEASE NOTE: Players who are under 18 years of age on 1st January 2025 must have Parental Consent Documents completed and returned to the County Junior Organiser before playing in this competition. If the documents have not already been completed and submitted, click here to download the documents.
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