The Warwickshire Veteran Ladies' Golf Association was started in 1954 and is open to all Lady members of Warwickshire Golf Clubs who have attained the age of 50 by 1 January of the current year and hold an Competition Handicap of 36.1 or less at the time of joining. Ladies can also join during the year upon reaching the age of 50.
Subscriptions are currently FIVE pounds per annum.
There are 5 annual Competitions for members of the WVLGA to enter, with Trophies as well as Prizes to be won. They are all held at a variety of Warwickshire Clubs: The Spring Meeting 4 Ball Better Ball; Individual Championship (qualifying); The 9 Hole 3 Ball Alliance; The Summer 4-Ball AM/AM and an Autumn 3-Ball Alliance. These are all most enjoyable events, giving competitors the opportunity to meet up with friends (old and new) from other Clubs. Please see your Fixtures booklet for details of entry requirements or Click on the actual Competition in the Forthcoming Events listing on the Home page.
We also play 13 matches during the year including 3 'home' events against the County Ladies County 2nd team, the Warwickshire Girls and the Senior Men. There are also Tri County Matches for both 1st and 2nd Teams against Staffordshire and Hereford/Worcestershire. The remaining matches are against other Counties and are open to all members with a handicap of 26 or less. After competing in 4 matches, a player is awarded her 'County Colours'.
If you would like to join this very friendly Association (and play some competitive golf), please contact either your Club Vets contact or the WVLGA Hon. Secretary