
Warwickshire Golf

Inter Club Pairs Competition - 14 October 2025 - Stonebridge Golf Club


Clubs affiliated to WLCGA may enter one pair into the Inter Club Pairs competition.  Each player must be a member of the club they are representing and hold a Handicap Index.

One player must be from the Silver Division (maximum 20.4) and the other player must be from the Bronze Division (20.5-45.0).

Clubs are requested to run a Qualifying Competition, which may be played in conjunction with a club competition, in order to select their pair. 

If, following a club qualifying competition to find a pair, the Silver Division player's handicap index exceeds 20.4 or the Bronze Division player's handicap index drops below 20.5 or exceeds 45.0 the pair is still eligible to play in the WLCGA Inter Club Pairs Competition.

The winners are the pair with the highest number of Stableford points.

Format:  18 holes Stableford Better Ball Competition, handicap allowance 85%

Entry fee:   £50.00 per pair to be paid online by credit or debit card 

Online entries open:         TBA
Closing date:                     Tuesday, 16 September 2025

Any difficulty with paying online, please contact:

* = Required Field


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