First of all - a big thank you from the outset for giving your time and volunteering for The Warwickshire Union of Golf CLubs Ltd. It is very much appreciated and we hope you enjoy your time with us.
We are sure that you have been recommended highly to us or already know some of our volunteers but to enable us to have complete peace of mind, there are a few questions that we would like to ask you so we know a little more about you. All data given will be held securely within a database on this website system with no public access.
In addition to these questions, there may be other forms and checks that need to be made dependant on what role you are taking on. For example a role within the Boys Organisation may require a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check to be made.
Once the form below has been completed and the content approved, you will be given access to relevant files within the organisation's 'DropBox' folder which is held online and commonly known as the 'Warwickshire Union Library'. The idea of this is that it is a central repository for commonly used documents or information. Some files held in the Library are especially sensitive to GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) and have personal data within them. To comply fully within GDPR please do not download personal copies of these files on your own computer or device.
In addition you may only print a personal copy of these files if you have a specific need to do so. After use, these copies must be destroyed immediately and a new copy printed only if the document is needed again. Ideally, all data would be read in situ within the DropBox facility rather than printing any copies.
If we need to check anything with you regarding your answers below we will contact you. Or if you have any questions please feel free to contact Matt Nixon by email matt@warwickshiregolf.com or call 07813932318.
Many thanks once again for your commitment to help advance golf in Warwickshire.