
Warwickshire Golf

WLCGA Seniors Championship 2024


 Lisa BARTON - CHAMPION                    16th hole - Scene of Lisa'a Eagle


Carolyn COXON                     Deb REYNOLDS                    Judith PEGLER                       Sue WESTALL

The WLCGA Championship was held at Edgbaston GC on July 2nd. For the first time this was amalgamated with the senior men’s event in that ladies played in the morning, followed by the Senior men in the afternoon and this format worked extremely well, making it a very enjoyable day.

Unfortunately it was not a warm summer’s day, but it did not rain. Everyone at Edgbaston GC made the ladies  very welcome and contributed to the success of the day. The greenstaff had worked incredibly hard and the course was in immaculate condition. However  the  pin positions were more than a little  challenging and some of the comments regarding the pin positions were not necessarily very ladylike!!

39 ladies played on the day and enjoyed a cold buffet lunch after playing.  Many remained for the trophy/prize giving and were joined by Senior reps and previous Seniors' Presidents and Captains, adding to the lovely atmosphere of the day’s event. Edgbaston Ladies Vice Captain Philippa Pickavance and Sue Timberlake (WLCGA President) welcomed ladies and Julie Ward (Senior’s Captain) awarded the trophies.  A new category was added to the Championship list of prizes this year, that of the best Gross for the over 75's with a very worthy winner of Sue Westall.

Winners on the day were:

Best Overall Gross of the Day : Lisa Barton (Rugby GC) with gross of 79  (pictured)
Lisa eagled the 16th, par 4 ( see picture above) and is now eligible to represent Warwickshire in the Senior Women’s County Champion of Champions Tournament at Woodhall Spa in September.

Best Overall Nett of the Day: Carolyn Coxon  (Staverton GC) with nett 70 on count back  (pictured)

Mrs Mackaness Trophy for Best Gross Div 1(up to PH 14):  Deb Reynolds (Walmley GC) with gross 84  (pictured)

Miss Griffiths Trophy for Best Gross Div 2( PH15+) : Karen Morgan  (Leamington & County GC) with gross 88

Senior Vet (aged 65+) Best Gross: Judith Peglar  (Rugby GC) with gross 91  (pictured)

Senior Vet (aged 65+) Best Nett: Sonja Castle-Mott (Kenilworth GC) with nett 76

Mrs Macauley Salver ( Aged 75+) Best Gross: Sue Westall (Copt Heath GC) with  gross 92 ( nett 76)  (pictured)

To view the FULL results CLICK HERE:

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