
Warwickshire Golf

Warwickshire Ladies 2nd Team Staffordshire
Saturday 29th June 2024
Branca Gregory 
Edgbaston Golf Club
& Megan Carter 
Edgbaston Golf Club
Won 4 & 2 Tracy Klek & Mia Perks
Rahela Gordon 
& Ilse Peel 
Kenilworth Golf Club
Won 5 & 3 Charlotte Peters & Mia Sepe
Deb Reynolds 
Walmley Golf Club
& Jessica Davies 
The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club
Won 3 & 2 Nicky Dyke & Amelia Taylor
Foursomes Total 1 2
Megan Carter 
Edgbaston Golf Club
Halved Tracy Klek
Branca Gregory 
Edgbaston Golf Club
Won 5 & 3 Mia Perks
Jessica Feng 
Moor Hall
Won 4 & 3 Charlotte Peters
Deb Reynolds 
Walmley Golf Club
Won 4 & 3 Mia Sepe
Hilary Dixon 
Won 3 & 2 Amelia Taylor
Rahela Gordon 
Won 3 & 2 Nicky Dyke
Singles Total
Saturday Total

Bears ties the knot with Staffordshire!

On a calm sunny day our match v's Staffordhire at home was hosted by Leamington & County Golf Club.  The Lady Captain Judith Coote was there to meet us all and made us feel most welcome.

The Team was as follows:

Megan Carter & Branca Gregory
Rahela Gordon & Ilse Peel
Deb Reynolds & Jessica Davies

Megan Carter
Branca Gregory
Jessica Feng
Deb Reynolds
Hilary Dixon
Rahela Gordon

Although a friendly match Warwickshire were up against a formidable Staffordshire team, the morning Foursomes got off to a rocky start for Warwickshire losing 2 & 1 but with the availability of 9 points on the table all was not lost.

The afternoon warmed up further and the breeze increased a little. The course was playing quite tough with peculiar bounces making club selection tricky. Team Warwickshire dug deep starting extremely well bringing home 1 & 1/2 points in the first two matches. Unfortunately the following two matches were not so lucky and didn't quite get over the line, however both matches were hard fought, the quality of play doesn't reflect in the score. However, our very experienced match play players players Hilary and Rahela managed to keep our hopes alive and delivered two very respectable wins securing a halved match!

Thank you to our President Sue Timberlake for starting the players for the singles and her continued support.  To the Lady Captain of Leamington Judith for making us feel wlecome and offering her assistance. All the matches were played in the spirit of the game. My thanks also go to Leamington & County Golf Club for allowing this fixture, and to the catering department for keeping us fed and watered.

A special thank you to all those who played for Team Warwickshire thank you for your continued support, well done!!

Acting 2nd Team Captain

Deb Reynolds

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