![Warwickshire Golf](/images/resources/warwickshire/home_03.jpg)
![Warwickshire Golf](/images/resources/warwickshire/WLCGA Logo.png)
Teams of five players. 18 holes Stroke Play. Handicap Index Limit 30.4. Lowest aggregate of scores by four members of the team for gross and net trophies.
Teams of four Bronze Division players. 18 holes Stableford. Handicap Index Limit 20.5-45.0. Aggregate of score by three of the team members (lowest score discarded) for best team score trophy and a prize for best individual score.
Competition for pairs selected by golf clubs affiliated to WLCGA. One player must be from the Silver Division (maximum Handicap Index 20.4) and the other player must be from the Bronze Division (Handicap Indexes 20.5-45.0). 18 holes Better Ball Stableford. Handicap allowance: 85%.
Clubs may run a qualifying competition (which may be run in conjunction with a club Stableford competition) or nominate a pair.
Competition for players who are Past Captains of golf clubs affiliated to WLCGA. 18 holes Foursomes Stableford. Handicap Index Limit 45.0.
Winter Alliance competitions are held each month from November to March. Clubs enter one team per alliance. 18 holes Greensome Stableford. Combined handicap limit 72 on date of entry, maximum individual handicap 45.0 on date of entry. No couple may play together more than once during the season.