You have found this page from a letter received at your Club asking for news of any 'Hidden Talent' you may have in your membership.
As you have visited this page we are hoping that this is good news and you will complete the form below with the details of the player.
However, as per GDPR regulations when we receive the names you give us we will pass this onto our Captain / Team Manager who will be in touch to ask for permission to contact the player directly, or they will give you their own details for you to pass on to the player or their parents.
You will note that the form below is a little different than the form you recieved in the post, but this is purely for ease on the system. If you do have more than 6 players you would like to share details of please just visit the page again and complete a new form. You can do this as often as you like.
Thank you for your co-operation!