
Warwickshire Golf

Boys County Coaching Survey 2017-2018

Thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey about Boys County Coaching.

It is our aim to use the feedback gained from this survey to improve future Coaching Programmes. It is our hope that these coaching sessions are a valuable addition to the boys development and that all Boys in attendnace will see the benefit from them in their game.

Yes - all sessions
Yes - some sessions

Yes - it was very good
Yes - it was ok
No - It wasn't quite right
No - it wasn't good
Yes - they were very good
Yes - they were ok
No - they were not
No - they were not good at all
Yes - it was of value
Yes - it has improved my golf
No - it has not improved my golf & was not value for money

Yes - I would like to hear more
No - I would not be interested
It was very cheap
It was about right
It was a little expensive
It was very expensive
I would like to have more 'oncourse' coaching
I would like to have more 'technical / swing' coaching
Yes - I see my 'home' coach regularly (once a month)
Yes - I see my 'home' coach occasionally (a few times a year)
No - I don't have a 'home' coach

Yes - it is very important
Yes - its important
No feelings either way
No - its not really necessary
No - its not needed at all
County Team Managers
County Coach
Home Coach
Club Junior Organiser


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